Host a Fundraiser

With your passion and our support, hosting a third-party fundraising event is easier than you think!

There is no idea too small, from bake sales, car washes, wedding favours, birthdays, to concerts and everything in between – every dollar raised helps keep care close to home.

To learn more about hosting a third-party event contact:  

Taylor Clark, Community Engagement & Events Coordinator
343-881-GIVE (4483) ext. 225

Please note that the PSFDH Foundation cannot:

  • Provide funding or reimbursement of event expenses;
  • Share our mailing list;
  • Guarantee attendance of staff or volunteers at your event;
  • Provide prizes or auction items;
  • Apply or co-apply for liquor or gaming licenses on your behalf;
  • Provide insurance.

The PSFDH Foundation reserves the right to refuse involvement, support and the use of its name and logo, in any event that does not meet with prior approval or notification.

We need YOU now more than ever!

“$6.1M is a huge number yet to put this into context, our catchment area incorporates approximately 60,000 or more people. If it were possible for every member of our community to donate $100, we would achieve our goal! So that $100 is only $33 for each year of the campaign.”- Kristine Fair, PSFDH Foundation Chair

You may have just made a generous gift, or this may be a period of financial hardship for you and your family right now. Support for PSFDH is more than just giving a gift, it’s showing how much you value and appreciate their actions for our community. Please give when you can, share our information with a friend, like and share our social media pages, and join our mailing list for the latest news!